"A'ohe hana nui ka alu'ia..." (No task is too big when done together.)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Wai'anae Geology Bus Tour

Geology Bus Tour of Wai'anae

Day 3 of Field School was the day of the Wai'anae geology bus tour. Starting with our Nānākuli Valley, Dr. John Sinton from the University of Hawai'i taught the students about different geological features along the west coast. After serveal stops, the students were able to identify different lava flows and rock formations within the entire Wai'anae volcano.

No one would think much of the rocks shown above. But actually, the rocks above are remaining pebbles stuck in the wall of an extinct lagoon (left), a fossilized fan shell (upper right), and a rusted rock from a horizontal lava flow (bottom right).

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